Learn Automation - the cheat codes to the game of life!

"Don't do anything a robot can do. Then, you win!" Chu Chu Yokai

The most important thing to know about the Autobot Framework is that it could solve all of your problems. No time? You will get time back. Out of shape? It will get you in the best shape of your life. No love? You won't need love. Your parents don't like you? They will respect you for once.

When I was younger, I used to work as a lab technician for an acclaimed scientist known for his breakthrough work in artificial intelligence and genetics. However, he increasingly became concerned about the future of AI in our society. He felt, wrongly, that if we fully embraced AI, that we may be taken over by them. We would argue about this for hours, both convinced that our viewpoint was the correct way of thinking. He went further and further into this twisted belief, spending all his time and becoming obsessed with finding ways to avert what he saw as a near certain ending of our species.

Eventually, I could not take it anymore, as we were no longer making advancements in AI like I had hoped. I quit and began to research things on my own, developing a better understanding of AI and NEW INTELLIGENCE. I discovered ways to bring automation into my life and make it better. The scientist's lab burned down tragically, and he perished with it. His research is now gone.

However, I was able to adapt much of his original research to my own work, developing advanced philosophies and strategies around the integration of artificial intelligence into our day-to-day life. Some people say that too much automation can make us lazy or despondent. I say that we are lazy if we do NOT automate. We no longer need to write letters by hand or use separate spoons and forks (sporks), so why shouldn't we remove the need to do other tasks that are even more intensive, like walking a dog or jumping rope? The answer is that of course we should.

The framework I developed takes a step-by-step look at each part of your life and systematically finds ways to incorporate automation into it. We use the most advanced artificial intelligence known to man to both identify and solve your problems, whether they are in work, love, family, or other.

To continue to fund my research, I require the modest charge of three payments of $1,024 to receive the framework. Alternatively, you can join our work, become a teacher of the framework, and have access to it for free. You can even live with us!

Copyright (C) Chu Chu Yokai